Waging Bull

Hap on Fox 35 Good Day Orlando: What’s Kickstarter.com All About?

As many of you know, I appear from time to time on the Fox 35 morning and night time news programs. I discuss topics related to technology (surprise!), and many of the topics have relevance for a large number of the viewers. On April 3rd between 7:30 and 8:00 am, I will be appearing on the Good Day program, and the topic I’ll be discussing is Kickstarter.com. Be sure to tune in if you can, but if you’re not able to, I’ll post a recording of the segment on my YouTube channel, and you’ll also be able to get to it through the Media page on this blog.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Kickstarter.com crowd sourcing model, feel free to visit the website. In fact, I’ll be launching my Kickstarter project called the “Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative,” which will be an Interactive Fiction title based on the people and events around Williamsburg, Virginia, at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. You can learn more about the project in this blog entry, and I’ve set up a site dedicated to the project itself at historicalwilliamsburg.com.