Test or Trap
So, why exactly would an alien race plant a transmission device fairly close to Earth while keeping themselves hidden from us? As I wrote previously, the answer is obviously one … Continue reading
Robots on Parade
Robots are always good for entertainment value (at least until they become our Overlords). Check out this video of a few of the robots in my collection.
The Happiness Gap
Here is an interesting opinion piece in the New York Times by Arthur C. Brooks regarding the relative happiness of conservatives versus liberals, and the conclusions are in line with … Continue reading
Backing the Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative
As of this posting, the funding window for the Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative has less than 55 hours left before closing. While the current pledged amount is greater than the … Continue reading
Measuring Frustration through Facial Recognition: We Do It for Games, Why Not for Courses?
While attending the 2012 Game Developers’ Conference last month in San Francisco, one of the presentations I sat in on was about measuring the level of frustration game players go … Continue reading
Living in Historical Williamsburg Through Interactive Fiction
While my family and I are able to visit Williamsburg, Virginia, fairly regularly, there are many who would but cannot, and many more who are not even aware that such a … Continue reading
Kickstarter and the Paradigm of Crowd-sourced Funding
This morning I was on the Good Day morning show that airs on Fox 35 in Orlando, Florida. The topic of the segment was Kickstarter.com, and the funding of creative … Continue reading