Robots on Parade
Robots are always good for entertainment value (at least until they become our Overlords). Check out this video of a few of the robots in my collection.
Measuring Frustration through Facial Recognition: We Do It for Games, Why Not for Courses?
While attending the 2012 Game Developers’ Conference last month in San Francisco, one of the presentations I sat in on was about measuring the level of frustration game players go … Continue reading
Living in Historical Williamsburg Through Interactive Fiction
While my family and I are able to visit Williamsburg, Virginia, fairly regularly, there are many who would but cannot, and many more who are not even aware that such a … Continue reading
Kickstarter and the Paradigm of Crowd-sourced Funding
This morning I was on the Good Day morning show that airs on Fox 35 in Orlando, Florida. The topic of the segment was, and the funding of creative … Continue reading