Waging Bull

To boldly think what no one has thought before.

Monthly Archives: April, 2012

The Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative Launches on Kickstarter

As of April 19, 2012, the Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative is live on Kickstarter, ready for backers to contribute funding to reach the modest goal of $1500 over 45 days. … Continue reading

April 20, 2012 · Leave a comment

Measuring Frustration through Facial Recognition: We Do It for Games, Why Not for Courses?

While attending the 2012 Game Developers’ Conference last month in San Francisco, one of the presentations I sat in on was about measuring the level of frustration game players go … Continue reading

April 6, 2012 · Leave a comment

Living in Historical Williamsburg Through Interactive Fiction

While my family and I are able to visit Williamsburg, Virginia, fairly regularly, there are many who would but cannot, and many more who are not even aware that such a … Continue reading

April 4, 2012 · Leave a comment

Find Your Sprinkles Radio: Special Guest Hap Aziz Talks About Your Social Media Footprint

* * * Update 4/5/2010 * * * The segment on Find Your Sprinkles Radio last night was wonderful, with insightful conversation around the table. You can listen to the … Continue reading

April 4, 2012 · Leave a comment

Kickstarter and the Paradigm of Crowd-sourced Funding

This morning I was on the Good Day morning show that airs on Fox 35 in Orlando, Florida. The topic of the segment was Kickstarter.com, and the funding of creative … Continue reading

April 3, 2012 · Leave a comment

Hap on Fox 35 Good Day Orlando: What’s Kickstarter.com All About?

As many of you know, I appear from time to time on the Fox 35 morning and night time news programs. I discuss topics related to technology (surprise!), and many … Continue reading

April 2, 2012 · Leave a comment

Learning Through Play & Technology

The Learning Through Play & Technology blog discusses the topics of education, technology related to education, and the improvement of the teaching and learning process by incorporating the elements of … Continue reading

April 2, 2012 · Leave a comment

The Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative: A Kickstarter Project

What is the Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative? Imagine Interactive Fiction crafted around real places and people in history, where not only can a person read about settings and events, but … Continue reading

April 2, 2012 · 1 Comment